Let’s reach our climate targets together

COP26 is the most important event in this year's climate calendar.  Governments from around the world are coming together to discuss, agree and commit to making changes on a global scale that will protect our planet for future generations.  And we've all got a part to play.  Here are a few of our top tips and ideas about some of the simple ways we can all do our bit to help reach our climate targets.


1. Eat Less Meat and Dairy

According to leading climate expert, Mike Berners-Lee, the number one thing we can do to help protect the planet is to eat less meat and dairy!

That doesn't necessarily mean changing your diet completely, but it does mean making some swaps. There are some amazing alternatives out there, a few of our team's favourites include Ogg’s Mini Brownie Bites, Future Farm Future Meatballs and Profusion Organic Pea & Fava Protein Mince - and of course our very own vegan ice creams!

2. Take part in Knowvember

This month we’re supporting Knowvember, a month-long campaign challenging consumers to only choose brands that know their carbon footprint.

As Britain’s first carbon negative ice cream company we know we need to act now to protect our planet. With COP26 happening we, as businesses and individuals, have a unique opportunity to show world leaders just how important the planet is to us. Being part of Knowvember is a timely opportunity to do just that, and to make customers more aware of the environmental impact of the products they choose.

As founding members of Knowvember, you can find us online in a dedicated marketplace as well as in person at a pop-up shop in Shoreditch.

3. Plant Trees

One of the ways we're supporting our local environment is by planting 10,000 trees with the South Downs National Park, and their Trees for the Downs project. There are projects like this all over the country and for the price of a coffee you could plant a square metre of wildflower meadow and create a home for bees and butterflies. Or make wildlife welcome in your own home by planting wildflowers in your own garden or balcony!

4. More top tips:

 Choose seasonal fruit and veg

A great way to help reduce your carbon consumption is to eat local, seasonal food, and it's never been easier. Companies like Riverford Organic can deliver organic fruit and veg to your door, slow-grown for maximum flavour. Their boxes help to reduce plastic too – all their fruit and veg is delivered loose or in home compostable packaging, in a reusable box.

Check out Do Nation Their website is absolutely packed with simple ways we can all help protect the environment (and potentially save money or get healthier too!).  From cycling more, having meat-free days and popping a lid on your saucepan, there are lots of pledges you can take.  You can even see the commitments some of the Jude’s team have taken.

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